As we all know, life can change in a moment. Unexpected events occur that change the direction of our lives forever. Sometimes these are good changes, sometimes these are not. We can all relate.
Sometimes life changes simply with the passage of time – we grow older and our goals and desires change. This is a constant we can count on – life will always change. And if we are wise, we will change with it and take advantage of any new opportunities that may arise in the midst of flux.
That fact is what brought me to create Sheek Press. A new opportunity arose whereby I wanted to change my direction in terms of what I was doing every day. Currently, I am a Senior Software Engineer at a medium-sized company in Orange County, California. I’ve been programming full-time since graduating from UC Irvine in 1986 with a Computer Science degree. Except for 8 years where I homeschooled my 4 children, I have always loved being in the technical world, enjoying the status of one of the few females who could make it in a male-dominant profession. That has not been a problem from my point of view – I never wanted to compete with men on that score, I simply wanted to enjoy doing what I found fascinated at the age of 17 – making computers it “do stuff”, and do it with whomever my coworkers were – men or women. It doesn’t matter – we were all geeks enjoying geeky things.
I’m a little older now, and have been in the tech world for 36 years, and am getting ready for the next phase of life. The one where i shed the corporate world for work on my own terms. So I began to look for a “side hustle” that would offer financial support and freedom from the “day job”. Now, I still love programming, still love to create websites, still love to help others with their websites.. but I’m ready for something different. Something where I control the to-do list and the schedule.
Enter KPI, Kindle Publishing Income, a book publishing strategy that, if done correctly, will provide passive income going forward. It is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a viable opportunity to study the strategy of publishing books that provides financial support and scheduling freedom. Exactly what I wanted.
Yet I still want to maintain my technical exposure and leverage my expertise while pursuing KPI. I already have my own technical consulting business – Textus Web Consulting – and this will continue to exist while I now create books to help others. For those also in KPI, and who want a website associated with their publishing business – I can help.
Which is why I’m posting this inaugural letter: My vision for the future incorporates my experience in web development with a new direction of publishing books for passive income. What a great way to go forward!
Additionally, the Sheek family is involved in my vision. We are all creative people in so many ways, with strengths in different areas that i hope to leverage as we move forward. I have creative writers, graphic designers, organizers, project managers, a machinist, an army sergeant, a film set designer, and large networks of people to draw ideas and content from, and we enjoy each other’s company! I see a bright future ahead.
All this to say, Welcome to Sheek Press! We are just beginning this adventure. Come back and see where the future takes us as we proceed.
May God richly bless you as He has us,
Cynthia Sheek
(aka Mama Sheek)